Knowledge Base
Unlocking Instructions
This is a great tool to see your affiliates (customers) activity and keep a complete history of every single sales. This is very important. Let's have a look how it works step by step.
- Allow to keep record of on your affiliates (customers) that you have recruited
- The registration date when your affiliate registered in our website
- The username of your customers.
- The amount of affiliate item
- The total commission for you made on each affiliate
- The total commission for you
- The total payout amount of your commission
- The total pending payout of your commission
- You can also view affiliate products or items in our website
- Service name which has affiliate commission for your customer
- Affiliate commission price
- Affiliate commission in percentage
Powerful tools for affiliates such as banners with different embedded codes, custom links and more
Affiliate tools is available from your account
- This is your custom affiliate link. You can add it to your website, email signature and share it on different social platform. Anyone who use this link to register on our website will be YOUR affiliate.
- Copy/Paste HTML embedded code to easily add the link on your website
- We provide different banners style and size to fix perfectly your website
- Copy/Paste HTML embedded code to easily add the banners on your website
- We also offer different size banner
Sure. Please register to our website we offer special discounts for professinal unlockers.
The unlock codes we supply for most handsets will be entered without any SIM card inserted. However, certain handsets do require either an alternative SIM card, or the original SIM card to be inserted in order for the unlock codes to work.
None at all, we provide complete and easy instructions for unlocking your phone. Often it can be as simple as entering an unlock code using the phone's keypad. If there is a problem unlocking your phone using the codes we provide then we will endeavor to solve the problem to the best of our ability.
- Permanently factory unlock your iPhone without jailbreaking, by whitelisting your IMEI in the Apple iTunes database.
- All our unlocks are guaranteed to work, or your money back. No quibbles, no questions, no hassle.
- Factory Unlock all iPhones regardless of bootloader, baseband and firmware version up to the latest iOS and beyond (if you don't know what this means, don't worry - it simply means we can unlock any handset).
- Upgrade and Sync iPhones using iTunes without fear of ever being locked out.
- Quickest factory unlock guaranteed.
- Every single feature works perfectly 100%, and your warranty remains valid.
- Always upgrade to latest firmware, with our unlocks you simply update using iTunes and your device remains unlocked.
- Visa
- Mastercard
- American Express
- Electron
- Paypal
- Visa
- Mastercard
- American Express
- Electron
- Paypal
- Bank Transfer
- Western Union
You provide us with the SERIAL NUMBER, EGATE NUMBER, AXALTO CARD NUMBER, OMNIKEY SERIAL NUMBER, or what ever the number is called by the software. This information is then used to provide you access to the original server of the manufacturer of the product. This means you will have full access to the activation you have just ordered. This is the MOST secure solution to be sure that you have ordered a 100% GENIUNE software or activation. Once you have request the response from our services, simply connect to your personal account and start using your new services.
You provide us with easy to find details of your phone e.g. the type, the IMEI number, country and the network that supplied the phone. This information is then used to provide an unlock code to unlock your phone. You simply follow the instructions we provide, and the phone will be unlocked - easy!
Add fund to your account. We accept different payment method as follow:

- Display minimum deposite and maximun deposite
- Display maximum balance you can add to your account
- That's your current credits available on your account RIGHT NOW
- Enter the amount you would like to add to your account
- Transaction tax depends on selection of your payment gateway
- That's the total amount of the credits that will be available after your deposit is recorded
- Select the payment you would like to use.
- Once you ready, simply click this button and you will be redirected to the payment page. Credits will be added in REAL TIME. As soon as payment is confirmed and received.
- Total amount you will need to pay
- Paypal using the secure platform please visit
- Dalpay for credit cards secure platform please visit
- Western is also available, once you select this option, you will received payment details by email. Please visit
- Payment via bank wire transfer, once you select this option, you will received payment details by email.
- Paypal is charging 5% commission on each transaction, Dalpay payment by credit card is charging 5% commission + USD1$ usd on each transaction.
- Static fee apply only on Dalpay (payment with credit card) are USD1$ per transaction
- Paypal Transaction require verification before adding the money to your account. You can find more details how to verify your paypal order here.
When the message "Enter Network Key" appear enter the Code we send to you.
ZTE S302 & EMPORIA V35 etc...
We made it so easy that everyone can use our services and here for example unlock any mobile phone on the market. This is the imei services list by imei group. It may sometimes different in few details depending the tools used but it's mostly the same all the time. We will explain here in details how it works.
Go to place order, IMEI service

- Select IMEI service
- Display group name of imei service
- Search service by write service name which you want to fnd or find service by selecting group or by brand and models
- The image of the service in use
- Recognise service name
- Service features, it should be order can cancel or not,Bulk IMEI, type,order verifiable or not
- Unlock price for that service
- Delivery time for this service. How long it should take for you to receive the service ordered
- The title of the service and icon of the service
- Back link to go to previous list of service
- Enter IMEI number, it should be bulk service then click add this IMEI to bulk entry
- Enter Bulk IMEI numbers seperated by enter or new line
- We list here the supported models of phones for this services. Sometimes it can be different
- it can also shows MEP or PRD supported of service and input type of service
- The description of the service. Please read it carefully. Those details are very important. Each solutions may require different informations. Supported features, please read exactly what is supported and what is not
- Enter a note for this phone easy to remember for example the name of your customer and the price. Comments can be used in custom solutions as an extra field. Please read complete description for each service before sending request.
- Responce email of your customer who will receive custome reply
- Once you are ready press this button so submit your requests.
- Feedbacks from previous customers who have used this solution

- Enter your username
- Enter your password and conformation password
- Enter your contact details
- Enter address details
- Enter custom field extra information
- News letter subscription
- Enter captcha Verification code
- Click to signup

- Requested customer username to transfer credit
- Requested customer email to transfer credit
- Select how many credits are you looking to transfer
- To transfer money from your account to a customer account simply click transfer, then the money will be added instantly to your customer and this customer will become your affiliate.
1. Insert an Authorized Sim Card and turn ON your phone
2. Enter:
LG 510W: Enter 2945#*5101#
LG 1200 & B1200: Enter 1945#*5101#
LG 5200 & 52200: Enter 2945#*5221#
LG 5300: Enter 2945#*5301#
LG 5400: Enter 2945#*5401#
LG 7020: Enter 2945#*70001#
LG 7100: Enter 2945#*7101#
LG 1100: Enter 2945#*1201# or 2945#*70001#
LG 7250T: Enter 2945#*70001#
LG C2200: Enter 2945#*2201#
LG C3310: Enter 2945#*3311#
LG T5100: Enter 2945#*5301#
3. Select Menu
4. Select Settings
5. Select Security
6. Select Network Provider
7. Select Deactivate
8. Enter Unlock Code
We created some amazing features for professional unlockers and wholesale codes trader. This is another world first release, stop paying for every unlock codes. Subscribe now and unlock as much as you want.
We will explain here how to subscribe for a plan.
- Go to My Account. Then click subscription

- For IMEI services
- For File services
- For Server service
- For Products
- Select service for IMEI service type
- That's the price and days for the plan
- Click on buy now to buy that service for subscription
The services details you have subscribed
- service name
- Subscription start and end date
- Price of the subscription plan you are paying
- subsctiption status
- Action
Generated invoice of subscription plane after click on buy now button
- Company's details
- Your personal details
- Invoice payment status and invoice generated date
- Your credit balance
- Enter amount can apply from your credit balance
- Select the payment method how would you like to pay. By selecting Paypal you will be redirected instantly to paypal to make your payment. (You can also pay with your credit card using paypal option)
To find out if your phone is locked, simply place a different SIM card in the phone and turn the phone on. Ensure you use a different SIM and not the SIM that the phone was supplied with. If the phone does not allow you to view the menu and displays an error message such as "SIM not valid", "Phone Restricted", "SIM not accepted" then your phone is most likely to be locked. If the phone does allow you to view the menu then the phone in unlocked
No, this is a service that we do not offer as this is not legal.
Please make sure when ordering the handset is verified and confirmed being locked to this network only. If you are unsure please do not order, as phone will NOT be unlocked, and it may result in not getting a refund depending the solution you choose, therefore please use iPhone Network Finder to verify on which network your iPhone is locked. Please check features supported.
Your cards details are fully encrypted and processed over a secure server. We do not store your card details for maximum security. We also support PayPal, which has a Thawte certified 128bit SSL Security site.
1. Insert an Authorized Sim Card and turn ON your phone
2. Enter:
LG C3100: Enter 2945#*3101#
LG C3380: Enter 2945#*7101#
LG F2300: Enter 2945#*7101#
LG KE260: Enter 2945#*2601#
LG KE970: Enter 2945#*9701#
LG KG120: Enter 2945#*1201#
LG KG220: Enter 2945#*1201#
LG KG240: Enter 2945#*3311#
LG KG280: Enter 2945#*7101#
LG KG290: Enter 2945#*7101#
LG KG800: Enter 2945#*7101#
LG KU250: Enter 2945#*250#
LG KU380: Enter 2945#*380#
3. Select Menu
4. Select Settings
5. Select Security
6. Select Sim Lock
7. Enter Unlock Code
8. Press OK
9. The phone may reboot and the unlock is completed
- Login to your account
- Place order using PAYPAL
- We will send an email after few hours (usually take from 12 to 36 hours) to your PAYPAL EMAIL account with a confirmation link. YOU MUST CLICK THIS LINK to add credits INSTANTLY on your account
- Once you have clicked the link (you can do it only 1 time) credits will be added INSTANTLY to your account
We provide complete and real invoices for all our services. Login to your account, then click My Account, My Invoices
- Click to show all paid invoices
- Click to show all unpaid invoices
- Invoice ID
- Invoice generated date
- Invoice due date
- Invoice payment date
- The total amount of your order
- The payment status
- You can view full details of the invoice by clicking on the icon
We provide a complete list of every singles sales from your customers made on our site as follow

- Complete list of your customers IMEI orders
- The ID when your customers made an order from our site
- The status of orders of your customer
- The service name list to find orders of specific service
- Search order by imei number by typing imei number
- Order successfull reply code
- Cancel or verify order action
- Auto refresh order history page after 5min, 10min, 30 min or after 1hr to get latest order details
- Click to view full details about order

- This is your username it will can not be changed.
- Edit your email address
- Edit your profile picture from if you register
- Edit your phone number, click send code to verify your mobile
- Enter verify code from your message which you get after click on send code.
- Edit personal details first name and last name
- Edit your address
- Edit extra information
- Click to generate temporary password
We provide complete statement from your activity on our site. Go to your account and click my statement

- Server usage statement from your account
- Search statement by description
- Statement will export to excel
- Date
- Details desctiption
- Account type
- Amount
- Balance
- Related Id
We strongly recommend you to be SURE than your phone is NOT BARRED. We provide a CHECKMEND tool to verify that your imei is CLEAN BEFORE processing this unlock process. it may result in not getting a refund depending the solution you choose, please check features supported.
SwissComm Services Switzerland
This service unlocks any type of SwissComm Services Switzerland phone.
This returns codes in 2-5 business days.
SWISSCOMM IPHONE 4S / 4 (Out of Contract only)
This returns codes in 2-7 business days.
Then why are you waiting for Guys just login / Signup to unlock your favorite Cell Phone
1. Insert an Unauthorized Sim Card and turn ON your phone
2. Enter 277634#*#
3. Select Menu then "SIM Lock"
4. Enter Unlock Code
Method 2 with Service Provider lock for unlocking LG U8150
1. Insert an Unauthorized Sim Card and turn ON your phone
2. Enter 277634#*#
3. Select Menu then "SIM Lock"
4. Enter Unlock Code
5. The phone will then prompt "Input Network Control Key" (Enter the 8 digit unlock code. Press OK. If the unlock
code comes wiht 7 digits, add a 0 in front. If the unlock code comes with 6 digits, add 00 in front
6. It should give you the message Success
7. The phone will then prompt for Unlock Sim. Press OK
8. The phone will then prompt Network Unlock/Lock. If you scrool down, you will see a message Enter SP Lock. Enter
Service Provider Code
9. Then press OK
1. Insert an Unauthorized Sim Card, enter Pin code then validate
2. Type 277634#*#
3. Shows test menu, choose sim test menu
4. Type: 2945#*#, choose Sim Unlock menu
5. Phone shows "Enter NCK"
6. Enter Unlock Code, then hit OK
1. Insert an Unauthorized Sim Card
2. Type 2945#*990#
3. The Phone will ask you to input the unlock code twice, enter code
4. The handset is now successfully unlocked
Hi guy's,
Follow the following guidelines for unlocking various models of LG Cell Phones.ÂÂ
Model: Classified by Model
1. Insert an Unauthorized Sim Card and turn ON your phone
2. Enter:
LG C3100: Enter 2945#*3101#
LG C3380: Enter 2945#*7101#
LG F2300: Enter 2945#*7101#
LG KC550: Enter 2945#*71001#
LG KE260: Enter 2945#*2601#
LG KF240: Enter 2945#*240# or 2945#*2401#
LG KF600: Enter 2945#*71001#
LG KF750: Enter 2945#*750#
LG KG120: Enter 2945#*1201#
LG KG220: Enter 2945#*1201#
LG KG240: Enter 2945#*3311#
LG KG275: Enter 2945#*20001#
LG KG280: Enter 2945#*7101#LG KG290: Enter 2945#*7101#LG KP270: Enter 2945#*270#
LG KS500: Enter 2945#*500#
LG KT520: Enter 2945#*520#
LG KU250: Enter 2945#*250#
LG KU311: Enter 815118#*#
LG KU380: Enter 2945#*380#
LG KU580: Enter 2945#*580#
LG KU800: Enter 82652#*#
LG L600v: Enter 815118#*#
LG U400: Enter 2945#*88110#
LG U8150: Enter 277634#*#
LG U8210: Enter 277634#*#
LG U8500: Enter 277634#*#
3. Enter Unlock Code
4. Press OK
5. The phone may reboot and the unlock is completed
Once you receive the codes, follow our detailed instructions and enter the codes into your phone by using the phone keypad. It is simple and straight forward and will immediately unlock your phone.
This varies depending on the solution. Typically you need to provide the model, the 15 digit IMEI number of the phone and the country / network it is locked to. Usually this is enough but this does vary for each handset and solution. Either way we provide you with full easy to follow instructions to unlock your phone.
It's the small (roughly 2cm by 1 cm) microchip card that you insert into a phone when it's first set up. It provides the identity of the phone for the mobile network. The SIM card is usually located behind the battery on the back of the phone.
As a mobile phone professional you may know that many tools on the market exist to be able to repair, update and unlocking mobile phones. We provide 100% genuine mobile phone softwares and most activations available on the market. Unlocking softwares, flashing tools, activations, packs, credits, everything you need to be able to update your favorite tool and keep focus on your work. Not only we guarantee you the best delivery time for this services but also the best prices on net.
The unlocking service we offer allows you to use any network providers SIM card in your phone. Typically this involves unlock codes which are a series of numbers which can be entered into your mobile phone via the phones key pad to remove the network restriction and allow the use of other SIM cards. There are also other solutions which involve software or other ways to unlock your phone, so check that you are ordering the right solution for you.
Spend more time growing your business, not expanding your social presence. We'll take care of that! Marketing on Facebook is a great way for companies, brands, and icons to get in touch with the consumers. Facebook is the elite social platform that allows consumers to share ideas with companies that want to improve and build a strong connection with customers. Having a fan page shows that you care about your company reputation.
Facebook is the world s number one social platform, and big brands like Coca Cola and McDonald s are rushing to build large followings of Facebook Fans. Why? Because research shows that each individual Facebook Fan can be worth as much as $136.38 in sales! And with each Fan costing as little as $0.02, that s a massive return on investment!
Facebook Fans = Sales!
But getting your piece of the Facebook gold rush is not easy. Doing it on your own can take a lot of time and effort. And buying fans from fly-by-night online suppliers will often result in empty promises and an empty wallet. Getting a large Facebook Fan base will give you instant social credibility and prestige, blasting you miles ahead of your competition.
According to a recent study*, 90% of people trust the recommendations of their Facebook Friends.
These recommendations can be explicit, like they, check this out! But more often, they are the result of Friends seeing other Friends LIKED companies, comments and other Facebook activity.
Our extremely fast turnaround rate is vital to expanding your social presence on Facebook. Whether you are expanding the number of likes to prepare for a large event or simply to impress others, we have the tools necessary to rapidly increase your facebook likes count. Delivery time varies due to size of campaign. Some campaigns finalize in just 2 days from date of purchase.
We guarantee the delivery of facebook likes to your fan page in full compliance with Facebook s guidelines. This means that your fan page will not be at risk through use of our service. Our service is completely confidential so your clients and competitors do not know about your marketing techniques. We do not require your account credentials or admin access for completion of your campaign.
Yes, unlocking simply removes the network lock and SIM lock that are entered into the phones software when sold to you by the network.
Removing the network restriction on your mobile phone with unlock codes is the safest form of unlocking available. You simply enter the necessary codes directly into your phone via the keypad to remove the network restriction.
If you obtained your phone on a contract, you should consider that the phone remains the property of the network until the end of your contract. Unlocking your phone while under contract may be a breach of your contract. You may wish to check with your contract supplier to see if unlocking is prohibited before purchasing unlock codes from us.